人类依靠植物生存。除了食物之外,植物还直接或间接地为人类提供了衣料、燃料、建筑材料、医药等的原料。本课程重点阐述栽培的植物(作物)分子育种的原理和方法,包括分子设计育种、转基因育种、基因编辑育种。适合于作物遗传育种专业的本科生和研究生学习。Human beings depend on plants for survival. In addition to food, plants also directly or indirectly provide human beings with raw materials such as clothing, fuel, building materials, medicine and so on. This course focuses on the principles and methods of molecular breeding of cultivated plants (crops), including molecular design breeding, transgenic breeding and gene editing breeding. It is suitable for undergraduate and graduate students majoring in Crop Genetics and Breeding.